What Does a Health Coach Do — A Day in the Life of a Health Coach

Overwhelmed by information and unsure where to start? Need to hit the reset button on your wellness journey? That's where health coaches come in. As a health coach, I get the privilege of partnering with women on their unique wellness journeys, helping them make progress on their wellness goals.

Today, I'd like to take you behind the scenes and share a glimpse into what a typical day in the life of a health coach looks like. But before we dive in, let's address a common question:

What Exactly Does a Health Coach Do?

Health coaches are not doctors, nutritionists, dieticians, or personal trainers, although we can work collaboratively with each of those roles. We act as supportive guides, a resource,  and accountability partners, helping clients create personalized strategies for achieving their health and wellness goals. This can touch various aspects of well-being, including:

  • Nutrition: We help clients explore their dietary choices, identify healthy eating patterns, and develop sustainable lifestyle changes for a balanced diet.

  • Physical Activity: We support clients in finding enjoyable movement practices that fit their needs and preferences, whether it's starting a walking routine or joining a group fitness class.

  • Stress Management: We equip clients with tools and techniques to manage stress effectively, promoting relaxation and improving overall well-being.

  • Sleep: We help clients develop healthy sleep habits, leading to improved sleep quality and increased energy levels.

The role of a health coach is quite different from a medical doctor, registered dietician, or personal trainer – as a health coach I support you in behavior change. 

The best health coach for you will guide you in identifying roadblocks and developing strategies to overcome them, leading to sustainable and positive changes that ripple all across your life.

A Day in the Life: Empowering Clients Through Coaching

Now, let's explore a typical workday:

Morning: Setting the Stage for Client Success

  • 6:30 AM - Fueling My Day: I start with a nourishing breakfast and exercise. This varies between a yoga flow or strength training, depending on the phase of my menstrual cycle. Maintaining my own well-being allows me to be a more effective coach for my clients.

  • 7:30 AM - Planning and Preparation: I review my client schedule for the day, familiarizing myself with their goals, any challenges they might be facing, and any resources I might need for our sessions.

  • 8:00 AM - Continuing Education: Staying updated on the latest research and trends in women’s health is important. I dedicate time each morning to reading books and articles, listening to podcasts, or attending webinars.

Mid-Morning: Client Sessions - The Heart of the Day

  • 9:00 AM - Initial Client Consultation: Today, I have a new client, Lana. She's looking to improve her energy levels and manage stress. During our initial consultation, we discuss her goals, health history, current lifestyle habits, and any challenges she's facing. Lana shares that she feels blocked and doesn’t know where to start. I actively listen, ask open-ended questions, and guide Lana to prioritize her ideas, set goals, and develop an accountability plan in the right direction. 

  • 10:00 AM - Follow-Up Session with John: John has been working with me for a few weeks now, aiming to improve his sleep quality. We discuss his progress, identify areas for improvement, and brainstorm strategies for addressing any sleep disturbances he might be experiencing. We explore sleep hygiene practices, his supplement lineup, and potential adjustments to his diet and exercise routine.

  • 11:00 AM - Client Resource Creation: Based on Sarah and John's needs, I create personalized resources. For Sarah, a recommendations list of functional medicine doctors who can help explore how her hormonal levels are interacting with the stress. For John, I plan a custom yoga sequence that he can follow-along before bed. 

Afternoon: Supporting Clients Beyond Sessions

  • 12:00 PM - Lunch Break & Social Media Engagement: I take a break for a nourishing lunch and connect with my online community. Social media allows me to share valuable wellness information and engage with potential clients. I love to share Q&A’s and virtual yoga classes on YouTube

  • 1:00 PM - Client Communications Management: I respond to client emails, offering support and answering questions that may have arisen since our last session. I also send any follow-up and accountability texts to support my clients’ progress. 

  • 2:00 PM - Business Development & Networking: As a health coach, building relationships with other wellness professionals is vital. I might participate in a virtual networking event or connect with local wellness practitioners. This allows me to stay informed about resources in the community and potentially collaborate on client care.

Late Afternoon: Reflection and Planning

  • 3:00 PM - Client Case Review and Note Taking: I review Sarah and John's sessions, documenting their progress, reflections, and any action steps we discussed.

  • 4:00 PM - Marketing & Website Maintenance: I might spend this time writing blog posts, creating content for my website, or scheduling upcoming social media posts.

  • 5:00 PM - Wind Down: It’s important to me that I live out and practice the supportive habits that I guide my clients through. To me, that means honoring my body’s needs and personal boundaries by shutting off work when the work day is done. I hold myself accountable by running a bubble bath for myself at 5pm. 

The Journey Continues: Every Day is a New Opportunity

This is just a glimpse into a typical day as a health coach who prioritizes creating a nurturing and supportive space for clients. Every day is a new opportunity to connect with lovely souls, empower them to reach their goals, and witness the transformative power of a holistic approach to well-being.

Ready to Start Your Own Wellness Journey?

If you're feeling inspired to embark on your own wellness journey, I'd love to be your guide. Schedule a free consultation call with me to discuss your goals and see if we'd be a good fit. 

Together, let's explore what healthy living means for you and create a personalized plan to help you reach your full potential!

Atiya Bloom

Hi Lovely! I’m Atiya Bloom — wellness entrepreneur and certified health coach. I integrate coaching, yoga, and wellness to help women & children thrive and grow. I love hearing from you, leave a comment below!


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